***Breaking News..The Baldwins welcome 6th child***. The Epic Craziness of Hilaria (and Alec) Baldwin…..a deep dive!

UPDATED 3/21/21

So big news on the Gooter’s Blog beat today as Hilaria posts photos of newborn baby, 6 months after having another baby? Surrogate? Adoption? don’t know, don’t care. Do not ask Alec about it, because you’ll get the typical Baldwin response. From instagram

The follower wrote: “Who’s the mother? She wasn’t pregnant. She gave birth six months ago.

“If it was a surrogate just say that. If the baby was adopted just say that.

“If the baby was the product of an affair and you’ve decided to raise it with your wife just say that.

“If you don’t want to say anything – why don’t you both stop constantly posting and begging for clickbait. Just raise you 100 children in private.”

Alec then replied to the comment, writing: “You should shut the f**k up and mind your own business.”

Only thing we care about at Gooter’s Blog is the name. The other 5 kids were given Spanish names in honor of Hilaria’s fake Spanish heritage. Well, the Baldwins did not disappoint as Hilaria released the baby’s name today….Lucia Baldwin! Quick google search confirms that Lucia is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “light”. phew!

During research for the update I came across the full “cucumber” video. It’s 6 minutes long, but you really need to watch to understand the epic craziness of Hillary. Keep in mind while watching the she does not have 1 drop of Spanish blood in her body. Also, SNL has been back on the air for about 6 weeks and still hasn’t mentioned.

below is original blog from early January:

Well well well, what do we have here? Alec Baldwin finds himself in a little bit of a situation, with some splaining to do. Recently, Baldwin is best known for his long running Trump impression on Saturday Night Live. Baldwin is definitely pretty funny in his parody of Trump. Whether you lean left or right, we all can admit Trump is fair game for being poked fun at.

However, if you are going to be the one to do it. If you are going to take the reins and spend years on SNL mocking and ridiculing the Trumpster, you just might want to make sure that your wife hasn’t been pulling a decade long grift on ya!

I never really knew anything about Alec Baldwin’s family, other than he married a younger woman and had a bunch of kids. Also, that he was married to Kim Basinger, famous model and actress in the 90’s. He also had that famous voicemail with their daughter, that kind of made him look like a dick!

Actually a total dick, holy shit. I was never a big fan of the Baldwin Bro’s, they reminded me of typical New Yorkers you’d have to listen to chant “1918” on the Green Line going to a Sox game. Although I did find Stephen Baldwin slightly entertaining as he had to do reality shows in the early 2000’s to fight off bankruptcy and support his coke habit. He was in such hits as “the Mole”, “Celebrity Mole”, Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”, and finally “I’m a Celebrity…Get me out of here” which by that time he was a bible thumping Born Again Christian and I guess he baptized Spencer Pratt from the Hills on one episode. He is also Justin Biebers father-in-law, so he has that! To be fair, he is part of one of the all time iconic movie scenes:

but I digress…….

Alec and Hilaria married on June 29th 2012 and now have 5 children together. The wedding was Spanish-themed and they exchanged nuptials in both Spanish and English. Hilaria claimed that she had 35-40 family members from Spain attend, which is why it was such a raucous party (ummm?). Both wedding rings had the inscription “somos un buen equipo” which means “we make a good team” in English. “I liked that I brought in a bit of my culture” said Hilaria (ummm, hmmm). So after marrying Alec Baldwin you naturally become a mini-celebrity and appear on the talk show circuit:

So she doesn’t know the English word for cucumber (mmmm, hmmm)?

Apparently Hilaria is a Yoga instructor and is keen to post photos of herself in lingerie on IG (not that there’s anything wrong with that). She posted this photo last week.

Amy Schumer posts Hilaria Baldwin's postpartum body photo

Amy Schumer. Of all people Amy Schumer! Posts a typical unfunny Amy Schumer joke in which she re-posts photo as if it is her and her son Gene. Just completely unfunny. Hilaria responds that she doesn’t get the joke blah blah blah.

Amy Schumer hilariously pretends she is Hilaria Baldwin | Daily Mail Online

Hilaria decided this is the hill she is gonna die on, and decides to use this as her fight against body-shaming??

Unfortunately, Hilaria forgot to pretend that she was Spanish in this video, and took on someone with 10 million followers. This was the beginning of the end for ol Hilaria. Once the internet sleuths come after you, you are screwed. Especially if it so happens that you have been pretending to be Spanish for the last 10 years. The irony is Amy Schumer apologized to her in the comments of this video?

So who is Hilaria Baldwin? Born Hillary Hayward-Thomas in Boston MA. Her mother was a Doctor, born and raised in Longmeadow whose family has been in the United States for generations. Her Father was a lawyer, and his family roots predate the American Revolution. Hillary was raised in Boston and attended The Cambridge School of Weston. Ummm, say where now? If you told me to make up a school name that would be the most White American name, I think I would come up with The Cambridge School of Weston (to be fair their website states 26% are students of color, but that doesn’t support the joke)!

Who are Hilaria Baldwin's parents?
Hilaria’s Parents

Now the question remains, what did Alec know. After reviewing the evidence, I think it’s pretty clear he had no idea. He thought/thinks that he married a raven-haired Spanish beauty. He is even still defending her:

What in the actual fuck is he talking about! This has nothing to do with Twitter or Social Media, it has everything to do with the fact your wife is batshit crazy. Who again, tried to pretend that she didn’t know the English word for cucumber on TV. You were had, you got tricked, no big deal, take the L and move on.

So you would assume at this point Hilaria would come clean, apologize, and admit the truth? Wrong, she continues to try and claim and defend her Spanish heritage. WARNING WARNING…..this video is the ramblings of a crazy person. I’ve been lucky enough to go to Aruba a few times. However, I do not pretend to be Dutch, or speak with a Dutch accent, or change my name to Daniël or Daan.

I guess in the end, there really is no harm done. Which makes it even a little more crazy because she didn’t really gain anything out of it. Rachel Dolezal was a white woman pretending to be black and became a chapter president of the NAACP.

Rachel Dolezal, in Center of Storm, Is Defiant: 'I Identify as Black' - The  New York Times

and Elizabeth Warren claimed…..wait, sorry no politics!

So in the end, I guess it was a victimless crime…..wait, except for, ummmm what about the kids? Yeah, there is a little issue with the 5 kids. Ya see, ummm, they kind of gave the kids Spanish names……ooops!

Carmen Gabriela Baldwin is their oldest child. I wouldn’t necessarily consider Carmen to be Spanish, but a quick google search finds that Carmen is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning Garden. Nothing out of line here, but it does get better!

Rafael Thomas Baldwin is the 2nd oldest child, and commonly referred to as Rafa. Rafael is a boy’s name of Spanish origin meaning “God has healed”.

Leonardo `Angel Charles Baldwin is next in line. At this point you may think they are naming the boys after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but please don’t forget the accent over the A in `Angel, because that is what makes the name Spanish. Alec has given him the cute nickname “Leoncito”. I can only assume this nickname is derived from Bieber’s remix of the Spanish song Despacito.

Romeo Alejandro David Baldwin is the 4th of the 5 children. Hilaria was referring to him as Diego before he was born, but in the two days between birth and naming him they changed their mind and went with Romeo.

Eduardo Pau Lucas Baldwin was born Sept 8, 2020. His name in Spanish means “wealthy guardian of peace and light”. So this just goes to show you that even a couple months ago he was still falling for her long con.

So, as you can see there is a lot of Spanish heritage and meaning in those names.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin glam up with their bilingual brood... before  teasing baby #5 | Daily Mail Online
family phot missing Eduardo Pau

Only problem….they do not have one frigging drop of Spanish blood in the whole entire family, it is a complete charade! At this point, if I was Alec, I would demand they change the names to Gabriela, Thomas, Charles, David, and Eddie!

So there you have it, just a completely wild story. Probably the biggest surprise of the whole thing? Amy Schumer actually made a funny joke!

Amy Schumer takes a playful dig at Hilaria Baldwin's heritage controversy |  Daily Mail Online

I cannot wait for the new season of SNL!

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